It’s hard to believe, but in this photo with Nikolai Suetin and Kazimir Malevich taken in 1924 , Ilya Chashkin (on the right) is only 22 years old. The enormously talented suprematist artist, a pupil of Malevich and a founding member of the UNOVIS school, he died very young in 1929 at the age of 27.
Chashnik developed his own style within Suprematism, evolving from Malevich’s white compositions to paintings in which black was the predominant element. In these works geometric shapes form crossing planes with a tendency towards rhythm and symmetry. Worked for State Porcelain Factory from 1922 to 1924 designing compositions for plates and other articles.
As leading experts on early Soviet porcelain, we provide FREE online appraisals and help with selling plates, tea sets and other articles produced by State Porcelain Factory in St Petersburg. If you own a Soviet porcelain plate or other china painted after Ilya Chashnik and would like to find out its current market value, CONTACT US. We’ll be glad to assist in a timely manner.